Monday, January 18, 2016

Educating the Ignorant - Why should we care or bother to?

This world is obviously filled with people who are undoubtedly ignorant and wanting to learn more about things that they do not know of. Unfortunately, they are these classes of people who are so content of believing that what they believe to be perceived as fact, is largely to be considered as the actual bona fide fact.

But I am going to tell you why you should care about educating these classes of people on verified facts of general all there is needed to know. I'm not going to bombard you with extreme large amounts of facts that probably most of you would never use in your own self reasoning whereas, I'm going to tell you situations that would fall conveniently towards your social life and how it will  - eventually - affect the entire society.

Alright, let's get on with it: Why should you care? Why does it matter so much that it is necessary for you to teach other people about things around you when it shouldn't concern you in the first place?
As I learned throughout the years, this current generation of humans are very selfish creatures that only instill that very urge to care if and only if there were benefits to themselves, to each other, or if the prospect that needs attention to happens to be a sibling or someone that is of any relations to you. In some cases too, we care because it somehow became the topic that suddenly interests us in a way that is necessary to care about it at that particular time. We are always looking out for ourselves and we sometimes always want to reap the benefits before we try to give a helping hand, and that is always bad news for everyone.
That's what we humans do, we need to have something in return in everything that we do (And I am obviously generalising all of us, not claiming that all of us are that of what I have state so far. We are admittedly unique because of our own capabilities and the acquired ability to use our own sense of reasoning to deduce what's right and what's wrong - without having to expect any reward in return.). That is why even when we are wanting to help out the poor, we always have the urge to tell someone about what we did - doesn't matter if it's over social conversations, the social networks such as Facebook, or having to broadcast it to medias such as TV or Youtube.
Even if the sole reason is always justified as to create awareness and to encourage a lot of other people to do the same, sometimes the cycle just ends with the fact that maybe some of us are interested in being helpful to society, while the rest of us just only moved by these projections of deeds but never want to replicate it.
Furthermore, even if the justification of awareness is still being embossed clearly towards anyone who says against it, no one could ever justify for the rest of the other videos that's being projected by other people about what they do. We all live in a generation of people that love attention and that is a fact that most of us must endure and must succumb to even if we disagree to it.

So, why should we care?
Because of selfishness too, in a good way. We care because we want to care for something that's ever so meaningful too as it relates to us, and that relation is the human race. Yes, we should actually care because we want to not only preserve the race itself, but to have an educated rational race in order to progress to a better evolutionary era. For progress to come, we must admit to mistakes and learn from it for learning will eventually iron out every doubt that's ever questioned out.
But here comes the tricky bit. What if ignorance wins out in the end? What if at the end of everything, the prospect still refuses to accept facts and continues to dwell into their cloud of lies? Then, that's when you stop caring - for that one particular person. Knowledge is given to those who would want to receive it, to those who are willing to receive it, and to those who looks for it. It is always the questions of whether are you willing to hear and accept reality or not. And if the answers falls down towards a negative scale, then I suggest we move on to a more receiving individual - someone who would understand these facts as facts and not offensive claims to demotivate one's self.
The truth, the fact of life, the knowledge that everyone wants to seek for - is obviously not for everyone. If everyone did cared on reaping the fruits of knowledge, our would would look a lot different than it is now.
So yes, you should care. But please, only care when it is for the right people. Do not give up on caring, for everyone else loves to hear about what you would like to say about this messed up planet Earth. Please, never give up on us and continue to teach us all. Please, some of us still do value knowledge far more than the next person. 

For some of us, ignorance is bliss.

But, for the lot of us - we really rather hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Besides, we only got one life to live. 

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